Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East school

TEL 052-808-9930


Tanabata Class Performance.

For our Tanabata finale we sang Japanese songs – Kaeru no Gasshou- The Frog’s Chorus and Tanabata-sama, a traditional folk song.

Pianica, xylophone, castanets, tambourine, drums and even guiro – children learned various instruments which they all played together.

Even our 2 years old Missy Mouse class did their very best singing altogether.

Thank you to everyone who came and we hope you enjoyed all the performances.

Tanabata Song Performance.

Aside from writing their wishes we also celebrated the magical Tanabata Festival with performances!

Witness the adorable little stars of our preschool as they dance and sing their hearts out.

Tanabata 2023

A heartfelt Tanabata celebration with loved ones!

Our preschoolers and their families came together to write their wishes on colorful strips of paper, hanging them on our Tanabata tree.

Witnessing their smiles was truly heartwarming.

May these wishes soar high and bring joy to all!

From Seed to Snack!?

Our preschoolers are reaping the rewards of their hard work and green thumbs as they enjoy the delicious cucumbers they planted.

It’s a joy to see them learn about nature, gardening, and healthy eating all in one fun project.

We Had Our Open House!

Thank you, students and Beanstalk families, for another successful Open House!

We are so proud of the decor which featured crafts, essays, and work from our students.

They were excited to know their parents and friends would see it on display- we hope you enjoyed it!

Students and staff members alike were so happy to welcome our Beanstalk parents.

It was such a fun opportunity for teachers, students and parents to meet and talk in an informal environment.


