Here at Beanstalk, we have finished summer school in August and our new fall semester has begun. Let’s take a little break and look back at all the fun we had during the last weeks of summer school.
1st から4thセッションまでを通して、今回はクラシックストーリーをテーマにしてきました。お盆明けの3rd セッションではJourney,4thセッションではFantasy Storyを取り上げ、あらすじに添ったアクティビティーを実施しました。
We finished learning about our books and did lots of fun activities!
Children learned not only about literature by reading a new book each week, but also subjects such as science and math.
Of course, we had plenty of movement, including karate class.
Everyone really gave it their best try! Osu!
We did a lot of painting and crafts….
and practiced our motor skills with funny games!
1st,2ndセッションではモリコロパークや元気村、そして3rdセッションではセントレア空港へトリップに行ったことは、こちらのブログでもご報告済みですが、最後にもうひとつ。私たちのお庭になりつつある天白公園に市バスを利用して行ってきました。その間、お留守番の2-3才児クラスMissy Mouseさんは、いつも他のクラスが使っている広いジムでのアクティビティーを楽しみました。
No trip? No problem! Missy Mouse class had a great time playing in the gym while the older children were away.
and the kindergarten and Elementary students all had fun with their friends at the park.
We had a picnic lunch all together to end the day.
長いようで、あっという間に終わってしまう夏休みですが、今年も仲良くなったお友達とのお別れを惜しみつつSee you next year!!
We hope to see everyone again during Winter School!