We are having a great time here at Beanstalk International School’s Summer School!
Spending our time playing in the pool…
ディーディーディアクラス(4〜6歳児)Deedee Deer Class
Reading lots of books and learning…
小学生クラスElementary-age Class
Arts, crafts, and creative projects…
ミッシーマウスクラス(2〜3才児)Missy Mouse Class
and having lots of fun with our friends!
ロビーラビットクラス(3〜4才児)Robby Rabbit Class
ランチパーティーでは、自分たちで作ったお料理を食べました。当日の献立には、”Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”というストーリーに出てくる、ミートボールスパゲティーを選びました。当日は、とっても美味しく出来上がり、”Can I have seconds,please?”の声が続きました。
We had a lunch party in July, and based our lunch on the book “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. The students all enjoyed making and eating a lunch based on the humorous book.
On our trip to Morikoro Park on July 28th, we learned a lot about insects hands-on.
Then, we made “bug whistles” with the Morikoro Park teachers. Thank you!