Between 3/19 and 4/3, students were able to improve their English by performing fun activities around the theme “Mythology and Fairy-Tales“.
We have done a variety of fun events and activities for the children, where they could use their imagination to think about what could happen next in their stories.
You can find below a summary of our events.
3/22 : Our students completing their first glass art workshop held at school.
3/26 : We held a traditional tea party event at school!
All the students were present and could enjoy delicious tea and cupcakes.
3/29 : Children aged 4 and up visited the Aichi Bokujo Farm, we had the chance to make our own butter and finally, we enjoyed a delicious BBQ !
4/3 : Children aged 4 and up had the opportunity to admire the Okashi no Oshiro. It was great to see a castle for ourself like in the fairy tales. Children were able to practice their cooking skills by making their own cookies.
As always, this spring school was really rewarding for children. They returned at home with a lot of fun stories to tell, and a head full of memories!