• アカデミーについて
  • フォニックスとは
  • コースのご案内
  • カリキュラムと教材
  • よくあるご質問
  • お問い合わせ

Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East school

TEL 052-808-9930

スクールからのお知らせ 詳細

Kagamigahara Air and Space Museum.

Kagamigahara Air and Space museum was so much fun!

After a fun and energetic bus ride, we arrived to learn all about the history of aircraft, from the first planes in 1919, to the very latest space technology!

Airplanes, helicopters, shuttles and rockets- which was your favorite?

Afterwards, we headed to Inuyama for a yummy lunch of miso dengaku, oden, and rice balls.

Watch out for our “miso mouths”!

Then we boarded the bus back to Beanstalk for our next adventure!
