Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East school

TEL 052-808-9930

スクールからのお知らせ 詳細

Inax And Lunch At Centrair Hotel

Pottery is one of the famous handicrafts from Aichi prefecture.

We took a trip to Tokoname, a ceramics town, to make a tiled mosaic house-shaped bank.

Everyone concentrated on choosing just the right tiles, and sticking them to their houses.

What beautiful designs they made!

While working, the students had fun talking about how many coins would fit into their new banks.

After finishing, we headed to Centrair International Airport have lunch.

We enjoyed a buffet lunch at Centrair Hotel.

Older students served themselves and younger students got help from teachers who fixed them a platter of their favorite foods.

After lunch the elementary students were able to visit Flight of Dreams and take a look into the cockpit of a real Boeing jet.

Then, we got back in the bus to head home to Beanstalk.

We had such a great time enjoying these two famous places!



