Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East school

TEL 052-808-9930

スクールからのお知らせ 詳細


During summer school we enjoyed a trip to Okazaki city for a fun history lesson.

Our first stop was Kakukyu Miso factory, where they have made red miso for over 350 years!

The sights and smells were so exciting- everyone started to get hungry.

For lunch we stopped at (restaurant name) for a nice cold udon and tempura lunch.

Everyone did a great job eating the udon with their chopsticks.

It was so long! Last we visited Okazaki Castle to see the famous clockwork cuckoo clock featuring Tokugawa Ieyasu and the castle grounds.

It was so beautiful, and the myriads of trees provided a cool and shady spot for a walk on a a hot day.

We split into groups and had fun exploring- even managing to find the well which provided water for Tokugawa Ieyasu’s first bath as a baby!



