• アカデミーについて
  • フォニックスとは
  • コースのご案内
  • カリキュラムと教材
  • よくあるご質問
  • お問い合わせ

Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East school

TEL 052-808-9930


Inax And Lunch At Centrair Hotel

Pottery is one of the famous handicrafts from Aichi prefecture.

We took a trip to Tokoname, a ceramics town, to make a tiled mosaic house-shaped bank.

Everyone concentrated on choosing just the right tiles, and sticking them to their houses.

What beautiful designs they made!

While working, the students had fun talking about how many coins would fit into their new banks.

After finishing, we headed to Centrair International Airport have lunch.

We enjoyed a buffet lunch at Centrair Hotel.

Older students served themselves and younger students got help from teachers who fixed them a platter of their favorite foods.

After lunch the elementary students were able to visit Flight of Dreams and take a look into the cockpit of a real Boeing jet.

Then, we got back in the bus to head home to Beanstalk.

We had such a great time enjoying these two famous places!

Handmade Paper.

We can’t learn about the traditional handicrafts of Aichi prefecture without learning about “kamisuki” paper making.

After learning about how to make Japanese “washi” paper in the traditional way, we tried our hand at making recycled paper.

We ripped up recyclable paper into tiny pieces so it would be easier to dissolve in the water.

Then we let it sit before mixing it with whisks.

After it was all mixed, it was time to dip in the screens to scoop out the paper!

We decorated it in different ways and then left it to dry.

How satisfying to have paper that is friendly for the earth and that was handmade by us.

Beanstalk Goes To Disney On Ice.

On a hot summer afternoon, we got changed into our costumes and ready to go to Disney on Ice!!

During the short bus ride excitement grew until we saw the big dome in the distance.

Inside, it was nice and cool and music filled the air.

When the show started, the smiles and laughter did, too.

Everyone was so happy to see their favorite characters live and dancing.

Some even sang and danced along!

The time passed so quickly and soon it was time to go back to Beanstalk.

Aichi prefecture is famous for many sports including ice skating.

We were so happy to have a first- hand look at the sport of ice skating through our favorite Disney characters.

Make Your Own Inari Sushi.

With the topic “Community Pride,” we finally began our summer school.

Making our own inari-sushi with unagi from Ishiki-Cho in Aichi is our first event. Inari-Sushi and Unagi are one of the famous dishes from Mikawa-Area in Aichi.

Watch our little chefs as they use cute cutters to shape their veggies into delightful designs.


Happy Birthday To All Our July Celebrants.